These are just a few of the successful professionals who are using innerTUBE products on their projects. Their demands of consistency in quality and sonic acuity are effortlessly achieved whether the Retrofit, the Squeezebox the MagMic, or the Four Fifty Tube are employed on their projects. Their results are quite impressive.
Call to order: (541) 653-8331

kris singh
Hillsong Church
Sylvia Massy Shivy
Ross Hogarth
Michael Wagener
Steve Albini
Espen Lind /
Eric Valentine
Big Blue Meanie
Blackbird Studios
Clair Brothers
Pro Mix
Peter Wolf
Alan Silverman
Arf Audio Media
Beagle Studios
Bif Vincent
Big Bad Voodo Daddy
Bobby Owsinski
Bob Rock
Bryston Ltd
Charlie Bolis
Dennis Dragon
Doobie Brothers
Doug Sax
Ultra Vivid Scene
Glen Phillips
Brad Fiedel
Daniel Holter
Gio Galanti
Steve Kempster
Fleetwood Mac
Front Page
Glen Ballard
Gloria Estefan
Great Divide
Harris Audio
Jay Ferguson
John Phillip Schnale
John Carter
Kevin Becca
Mercenary Audio
Mike Harris
Nut Ranch
Peter Wolf
Rob Schnapf
Robinson Eikenberry
Scotty Morris
Stuart Taylor
Surround Sound Associates
The Mastering Lab
Tom Lord Algee
Tori Amos
Long View Farm Recording
Rhett Lawrence
Pickin’ David West
Gary Belz /
House of Blues
Burst HQ
Sam Ash Music
Vintage King Audio
Alpha Mode
Wolf Ranch
A&M Records
Danny Elfman
k.d. lang
Bearsville Studios
Excel Audio Systems
Ironwood Studios
Sonora Recorders
Power Station
Bobby Owsinski
Los Lobos
Shelly Yakus
Brian Setzer
Royal Tone
Sound Design
Le Mobile
BongLoad Records
Wind Over the Earth
Westlake Audio
Coast Recording
Natalie Merchant
Lou Giordano
Bjorn Thorsrud / Smashing Pumpkins
Mark Karan
Hello Stayne,
I have spent thousands of dollars on the top selling microphones, and
I mean thousands! Each time a new one arrives I eagerly listen for that sound that just blows me away and as always my response is,”Well that sounds good but…” Last night for the first time I heard the sound I had been waiting for with your U87 retrofit. I sat back in my chair and said, “WOW this sounds great!” So great that I have called and ask a couple of clients to record their vocal tracks again. I am so happy I can hardly stand it.
Good job Stayne you made my day,week, year…
I can’t wait to try your squeeze box.
Thank You
Terry Mashburn
Big Note Studio Abilene, Texas
InnerTUBE Audio Atomic Squeezebox-
For sonic reasons that I’m not even going to try to describe with eText. anyone who has spent even 2 minutes with one knows the scoop. One very, very bad mother of a dynamics tool that does both drastic and subtle gain reduction impossibly perfect. It’s only downfall is that I tend to dim my monitors rather frequently to blurt out something like “How in the Holy **** is this thing working like that?”
Sean Eldon
Mercenary Audio
TEL: 508-543-0069
FAX: 508-543-9670
I am absolutely loving this thing so far. If this box can handle complex program material in the same manner that it does individual tracks, I am going to need more. This is the first dynamics processor I have ever heard that hasn’t in some way sonically compromised the fidelity of the source material in one way or another (including all of the vintage standards). There is absolutely no loss of body, and there is absolutely zero high or low end loss (that I can hear). The Atomic Squeeze Box makes many of my other compressors seem more like FX boxes rather than serious (dynamic range) tools by comparison. The ASB is also the most forgiving comp/limiter I’ve ever heard. Even when I purposely set poor attack and release times, it still sounded fantastic (How is that possible?). This is THE compressor for engineers who want to preserve the fidelity of well recorded source material while gaining control of dynamic range. This box changes everything.
Thank you for your hard work and your
contribution to this lost art,
Patrick Brannen
Empire Productions
I have used the Dual Atomic Squeeze Box for 2 buss and it was absolutely amazing…exceptionally clear… glues the mix together like nothing I’ve ever experienced… does things with the low end of the mix that I’m sure is probably illegal in at least 3 states and at least two countries with theocratic governments.
I just wish I could afford one (It would be my “go to” 2 buss compressor for sure!!!)
Hi Stayne,
My ASB dual has me seriously “Rockin’ in the Free World!!”
I’ve used it for the past week on lead vox. It matched or surpassed an EAR 660, in my opinion.
For mix/mastering compression there’s simply nothing even close. I was able to make a mix so !&$*#^%***#& loud (and good) it was not to be believed.
Thanks for building a world class box with balls, brains and heart.
Rich Mendelson
Professor of Music Production&Engineering
Berklee College of Music
Hello Stayne!
” It’s very hard to see this box leave our studio.
In fact:
It’s a freekin’ WORK OF ART! The Squeeze Box will crush you like the spiked heel of a dominatrix, but it will feel so good you’ll be back for more again and again… Use me baby, oh yeah! Jeez, this is so good, not only do we want one, but we want you to pack all your things and come up here to Weed and set up shop. Did I hear you have an old Helios console? Our Neve is lonesome! All kidding aside, we’d love to meet you sometime, the Dishwalla guys rave about you and we really do love the Squeeze Box and the MagMic.”
Sylvia Massy
Fuck me.
I have a profound distaste for compression and limiting. I hate them with the passion I usually reserve for the New York Yankees. I must have been born missing the “compress everything” gene that all other engineers seem to have. The sound of things being hammered with compression is such a tragic, conformist cliché to me… I can’t think of one as bad, actually. Maybe a guitar direct through a Pod… Nope, compression is worse. I have tried them all, at various times, on the one or two things a session that genuinely need compression. Our studio owns (looks at list) 24 different types of compressors, usually in pairs: They all sound passable on something or another, but nothing is genuinely inoffensive on everything, so we need them all. Most often, I do end up needing compression or limiting to record vocals intelligibly, and that is where the nasty sound is most offensive. While there may be no instrument that I “routinely” use any compression on, occasionally I need a limiter on the bass drum, bass guitar or snare drum, and they have different requirements. I certainly didn’t expect to find a “must have” compressor at this late stage in my life, having tried every single goddamn thing out there. Day two of the Atomic Squeeze Box tryout and I’m thinking of all the time and money I’ve wasted trying to get a passable sound through any number of other compressors. It is as parametric as the GML, but with much more intuitive layout and a very forgiving action. It is possible to make it noticeable in action, but I have yet to be as offended by it as I am by just about everything else out there. Sound quality is like a nice line amp — similar to the Manley Elop, but with less noticeable action in the GR circuit. I usually cringe when any compressor is working more than a couple of dB, but yesterday I was effortlessly taking 8-10 dB off a yelping vocalist with no pain. I’ll say it again: Fuck me, I didn’t expect this. My hat is off to Stayne — he’s really kicked this problem in the teeth.
-steve albini
Electrical Audio
Used both units on 2 lead vocal tracks in a mix absolutely in AWE!!! –
-Later eaon
Together with my engineer, we unpacked it with trembling hands, slid it into the open spot in the rack, hooked it up, ran a vocal thru it, and … Sweet Jesus. You were not kidding about this box. We have only had a little while to play around with it, but so far it seems that this box is indeed all it’s cracked up to be, and maybe even more. Slam the vocals 10 db, sounds good, slam them 15 db, they sound even better, bury the needle (25 -20 db, who knows?), it sounds EVEN better! In-your-face and larger than life. I love what it does to sibilance during heavy compression, and the way it just magically brings out the “good parts” of the vocal. Who needs BA6A’s now? Or LA-2A’s? The feeling of having discovered a new piece of gear that just positively kicks ass and HAS to become a modern classic is just great. It’s kinda like being let in on a secret that only the cool kids know, if you know what I mean. This thing HAS to become a hit. I don’t know Stayne, but he must be a genius. Either that, or he made a pact with the devil. Well, that’s enough rambling from me. Talk to you later.
Regards, Espen Lind
I am very happy with the Squeeze Box, everything we’ve recorded the past couple of weeks has been slammed and spanked to death. Everything sounds so uber cool when spanked with the Squeeze Box that it’s hard not to chop off 10-20 db of pretty much anything. –
-Regards, Espen Lind
I passed the Squeeze Box on to Bob Olhsson. Just keeping you updated on the whereabouts of your machine. Thanx for letting me play with it. Overall it’s a great box which sounds warm and fat. We already talked about the somewhat learn-intensive interaction of the controls, but once you got it set right it really sounds great. –
– Best regards
Michael Wagener
The squeeze Box you sold me is still by far my # 1 studio tool, and I’m still trying to figure out how to raise enough dough for a second one. My engineer has spoken on the phone with Stayne on a couple of occasions regarding some level matching issues with the Squeeze Box, and Stayne was very cool and very helpful, so if you happen to speak to him, tell him thanks a lot for great customer service! –
– Espen Lind/ Norway
Stayne: This thing is great. I want to buy it. Bjorn loved it and wants to buy it. Bjorn is in the UK mixing his record right now, but he wants to buy one when he gets back (beginning of June). The one that’s here I would like to buy. What should I send you? –
– steve albini
Electrical Audio
Stayne McLane teases and tortures tubes to do things only possible in the wet dreams of quantum physicists in search of unified field theory. Near as I can figure it’s voodoo of the finest degree. Then you put the MM-2000 in front of anything and give yer head a snap when you hear it. This guy is the real thing when it comes to making stuff that sounds the way you want it to – not good but @#$%amazing.
– betasound/canada
Im in love with this unit!!!!! The best damn thing I’ve heard!!!! Everything stays rich & full!!! Your stuff is truly outstanding and Im lucky to have come across innerTUBE audio products.
–zoom <>
Jesus! This is the best vocal compressor I have ever used. It is as parametric
as the GML, with much more forgiving action and much more intuitive layout. I immediately recommended it to an excellent engineer Bjorn Thorsrud (Smashing Pumpkins, Whitesnake, blah blah blah…) He is having trouble
with the vocal setup he’s using on the album he’s recording (Sleeping
at Last, on Interscope or something). He’s coming by to pick it up on Sunday,
and he will surely love it as much as me. One way or the other, I think you’ve sold at least one more. Probably two, if my hunch is right. I’ll keep you, –
-steve albini
Electrical Audio
To quote Fletcher of Mercenary – “it sounds like god”! –
-Ola Sonmark, Otek Recording, Sweden
I’m using one of your mics at Ironwood Studios in Seattle. I love it! How much does this cost ?????
*** RUSH *** I need this thing soon!
-Lou G.
Lucian Giordano
Hello Stayne,
I run a mastering studio in the Washington, DC area called Silver Sonya. I recently had my first encounter with the Atomic Squeeze Box (mono version) in a mixing session and — you’re probably used to this kind of rave by now — it blew my mind. I loved the look of the thing but the sound was just extraordinary. My first thought was: it’s transparent and graceful and
muscular. Two linked Squeeze Boxes would be great for mastering!? And then I learned that you’ve made a stereo version! Ask and ye shall receive!
Chad Clark
The Squeeze Box is MIGHTY!… What an insane piece of gear and I’m thrilled to say I own one and use it on our projects every day.
-Daniel Holter/Burst HQ
InnerTUBE Audio had their people decked out in retro-cool white lab coats that made them look like mad scientists. They may or may not have been hiding some mutant goat-dog in their booth.
-Mix Magazine